Monday, May 4, 2009

Sick of Flu-stuff

I'm an touchy-feely kinda guy. I hug. I embrace. I grab coworkers by the waist and pull them off their feet.

Which means when I get little notes and comments from church telling me that we're going to be skipping the hand holding at the end of church? That we should respect others' wishes to keep their germs to themselves and vice versa?


My immune system is rather spiffy, so I suppose I can't really complain about too much. But I don't especially enjoy standing across from someone, talking to them with my hands safely tucked into my pockets.

I suppose it all works out for people you really want to hug though. "I love you so much, it's worth getting sick just to be near ya!" A swell pick up line, sure. But I'll be happy when this whole paranoia of "the bug" is over.

One day...

1 comment:

Jed Carosaari said...

This scare over Swine Flue is so stupid. It's not a big deal at present- it's killing fewer people than the normal flue. But it serves the purpose of propping up the media companies so they can get more viewers by scaring them to death.