Friday, October 17, 2008

Groups: An Assemblage of Personalities

My group that I attempted to go to a few weeks ago? The one where I was the only visitor? Well, they met again on Monday. But I slept in. Oops. What can I say? My Sundays have mutated. I go to church, possibly my other church, then go home. Watch some tv, fall asleep, watch a bit more tv, then fall asleep for real. Which leaves me waking up around midnight or 1 am. And when your groups meets Monday nights @ 7.... well, it makes for a long day. I'm only human. Here's hoping for next week?

I did make it to a second group in the middle of the week. Let's just take it down to simple-ville, shall we?
Very friendly, welcoming leader
A guy recognized me from church
Gathered to worship God
Didn't get lost on the way (Yay!)
Talked about how bread=life in the Hebrew concept, how meals are intimate. A concept I'd never known before

Bunch of people I've never met... can only remember ~ 3 names now
Goes until 9:30. My brain shuts off around 8:30
Yet another trip south in the middle of the week. Over an hour driving for 2.5 hours of talking
Tended to drift off of the God-topic for tv/humor discussions

and oddly enough? The one I had the biggest problem with? They were discussing how last year they would get food from a bakery. Well, more specifically, a bakery's dumpster. The food is tossed out still in the packaging. A: They're old enough to know better. B: Yeah, I'm a bachelor, and I'll eat food I find around... but really? Serving to a group? C: It's illegal to dumpster dive in Washington state. Ever-so illegal. So I don't think a Christian Group should be happily breaking the law.

Nice people, different way of thinking, and a whole new world for me. (I obstained from communion. Which is a bit harder in a small group/circled/in someone's living room.)

I know I work next Wednesday, but after that? I dunno. Good company, but not quite sure if the group is a fit for me. Or my tired, sick of driving, ways.


Jed Carosaari said...

Growing up, procuring (what you call dumpster-diving) was one of the main ways we got food. Actually, it was more of an honor to be allowed to dumpster-dive.

I'm excited that a small group in my area will finally start up next week; I just got the invitation. God's worked in this one, where I joked to the pastor that perhaps I should just start one up, since there wasn't one in my area, and that turned into him being supportive of the idea- he said, right before I suggested it, a long-term member came up wanting to start one up in this area. I met with the couple, who'd been considering it since February, and had another 10 folks interested, and helped give them the impetus to actually get started.

Sadly, the car's alternator is still done broke, so I can't drive at night, which means I haven't been able to attend the 20s n 30s group that meets Friday nights :-(

Jed Carosaari said...

Do you know the Quest pastor posts on the Sojourners site from time to time? See his most recent post.

Cosand said...

a: Kudos on group
b: Yeah, he's all-engaged in the internet. ;)

Aimee said...

tsk, tsk Phil. Bakeries and stores throw out perfectly good food all the time because of government regulations or something on how long things can be kept, or perhaps because of picky people. The amount of waste in this country is astounding, and I'm glad to hear of groups that reclaim those things.
And also, I think Christians answer to something higher than "the law." Don't you know Quakers started as a bunch of law breakers (some more 'social' laws)? Not swearing oaths, not tipping their hats to those in higher positions, meeting together when it was against the law, etc, etc. Just because our country or state has made a law doesn't mean it is moral or right, and I hope Christians will always do what is moral and right, despite what the law says. (oops! how did that soapbox get under me!!)

Cosand said...

I respectfully disagree with your "tsk tsk."

Especially since they can afford food.

Cosand said...
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