Saturday, October 11, 2008

You find what you're not looking for

I have myself a new church. A new laptop. A new fall season (especially the TV season) is upon us. Oh, and we get to vote for a new President. New new new. Is it any wonder that I find myself with a new purpose?

Getting to my churches is... well, interesting. I can get to NSFC in about twenty minutes. Quest takes me at least thirty-five. Going to both is... well, it makes for a long day. I had my new route all planned out, and sure enough, I arrived at Quest with ten minutes to spare. I'm not much of the meet and greet type, so I sat in my car and pondered. I have all these things. Concepts, talents, technology. It's mine to do with what I want. And I'll admit, I could use something to take up my time. Distract myself from "being single", and all that goes with it.

Over the ten minutes in my car, I figured something out. A project, of sorts. I had just obtained the final pieces that would make it work. I'd started out doing something, but over the years I've done less of it. And I have these talents that could be added to it. And I have this technology that will help with it... Before church, I had a pretty full-fledged plan of what I can do to fill my little corner of the universe, and hopefully promote Christian beliefs.

Of course, I was distracted a bit during the message. But I do remember Pastor Eugene telling us that we should be about something. That we shouldn't just go to church and have that be it. That life wasn't going to be perfect. We should be trying to change things. Trying to invoke God into our lives. (Ideally, into others' lives as well.) Which is exactly what my project I came up with should do. In theory...

So yes, it's taken about a decade. Perhaps a little more. After all this time, I think have an inkling of something that just might help a few people. Not grand, sweeping, "save the world" change... but every little bit helps.

God and I have a few bugs to work out, how it will all work practically, but I'll let ya know when it has a visual form.

Oh, it'll be visual. I promise. ;)

-Not- the end.


Jed Carosaari said...

I tried the two churches thing out this past Sunday- one for me, one for my dad. Didn't quite work out as well for me as it did for you...

Cosand said...

Yeah, I believe it. I'm sure there are many churches I "should" try out for someone else. Not a fan of that notion, really.

Jed Carosaari said...

Sorry- you didn't read the link. You're talking about something else entirely, unless you're against helping people get to church, which I sincerely doubt. I only went to one church, my dad to the other, and a huge amount of problems resulted, all of which was in the story.

Aimee said...

Jeremy and I tried going to the early UFM service and the regular NSFC service for awhile. Wow - it was a pain. Especially for Jeremy who is an extrovert. We only had about 5 minutes to gulp down some tea and chat with a person or two before jumping in the car and racing up the road to NSFC where we were usually late. Of course we decided eventually to just go to NSFC.