Monday, August 11, 2008

What the sam hill? (An intro)


Not too long ago, I found myself sitting in church, wishing there were more people my age. Or even, some. In the span of 20-35, it's pretty much just me as a regular attender. (I'm currently 28. We call that a "barren wasteland" in societal terms.) I e-mailed my pastor, told her I was going on hiatus, and received numerous words of encouragement from my church and family. (Which if you really want, are all available to read in this blog.)

Now that gives you the general idea of what this is all about. But to be more specific?

  • It's about a 20's something guy who has no trouble making friends, but is in Seattle, the 2nd-least Christian/religion seeking city (Hey, I could always be in Portland)
  • It's about a guy who's been single for quite a while, and has tried numerous methods (eHarmony is just silly, and Equally Yoked? Snicker-enducing.) of meeting Christian poeple.
  • It's about different churches, different styles, different buildings, but hopefully the same goal. (I.e, People+church=God time. Care for one another. Jesus is the way to salvation.)
  • And of course, it's about the things that go on in those churches that are amusing, silly, fun, inspirational, or just provoke a good yarn.

What can I say, where Church and my curiousity combine; I get Churchiosity. (Soon to be patent pending! Not that anyone else will use that phrase. Ever.)

Toss in some comments, send thoughts my way, recommend some churches, and lemme know what ya think.


-PC, really likes typing. Especially on quests where he has absolutely no idea what he's doing


Aimee said...

Actually, I can't believe no one else had this name yet! I think it's cool.

I have to say though, I once heard that Seattle was one of the most un-churched, but there were a ton of people seeking faith/religion/etc.

But yeah - I know the pickings are slim.

Cosand said...

"Not all who wander are lost", and all that.

Hey, who knows? I already found the hard parts. Just looking to fill in the edges. :D

Jed Carosaari said...

I've heard there are studies showing Seattle to be one of the hardest cities to make friends in too.

So, I'm thinking Mars Hill might be a good fit for you... ;-)

Seriously, I found more balance for myself in going to NSF and Capitol Hill Pres, and would heartedly recommend the latter. Sure, I went because I had friends there and some eHarmony dates there, thinking that there must be something I have in common with people at that church. But I also found a lot there that fit for me, with Bible Studies, younger people, and a real desire to reach out to others in a contextual manner.

But it didn't fulfill me entirely. There were definitely things I could find only at NSF in Seattle (like pacifism, or open worship). I liked both, and so went to both every Sunday morning.

There's also the only Nestorian church that is majority white, in the world, there in Seattle. You might want to check it out, while you're looking around, just to visit. The Nestorians are the largest church in the world until 1000 AD, hugely missional, and they dwindled through many wars, including Timbar the Lame who slaughtered so many of any faith. They have always been based in what is now Iraq, but were throughout Iran, central Asia, and down to Yemen, India, and China in the 800s.

After the troubles in the early 1970s in the Middle East, the patriarch finally left, and moved to Chicago, making them the only ancient church with the catholicate in America, or the New World for that matter. And they are mostly an ethnic church, in terms of Middle Easterners or Indians. But the only Nestorian church in the world that is majority white, or non-Indian/Middle Easterner, is right there in Seattle. An interesting experience in bells and smells, I think. I blogged about my experience there one of the time I went, if you're interested.