Monday, August 11, 2008

A-Questing goes a Quaker


There were numerous churches offered/suggested to me when I started this little search. (And by "little" I mean, "what in the world do I do now?") Suggestions were mentally cataloged, websites were looked up, and my first church to visit was decided upon.

I like the look of Quest's jib.

Check out that website. It's friendly, without dumbing it down. They're God-centered, but not on a high-horse. They emphasize having all sorts of people in their congregation. And, wouldn't you know it, they could use help with their sound/powerpoint. (It's true. Sometimes we'd get through a verse before the next slide was advanced. When it worked, the singing was great. Guitars, piano, a little drum, nice voices. When the slides were off? Confusing, irksome, stress-inducing for someone who's been doing it for 14 years)

The church itself is in Interbay. Right near the golf course between Ballard Bridge and Denny Way. City-located, but not city feeling. I (due to my inability to turn at the right time) was a few minutes late, but so was the service. Not sure if tbey employ greeters or not, but I found a program, found my seat, and they started soon after.

The room just felt nice. Yeah, I'm not a fan of candles, but they only had 2 or 3, so que sera, sera. There was a youthful feel to the room, but not overly trendy. (Y'know, light brown and auburn colors spread around. Offset well by stained glass here and there.)

The speaker? (Leah, that day) She was delightful. Made little side jokes here and there, but mainly impressed me with having a keen intellect. She refused to give a "quick fix" or "checklist" to make us appreciate justice better. (The sermon was on Herod of Agrippa being killed and eaten by worms for not defusing claims that he spoke as a god.) She merely stated that she was human, that sometimes she wanted bad things to happen to bad people. That we should look around and take care of others kindly and justly. If you wrong some one, make amends face to face. Be kind to homeless people and help out with hunger. (Which led into a plug for a garage sale to feed the homeless. But they're actually helping people! Plug away in that sense.)

And I'm not going to lie to you. There were youth there. It was about half youth, half elderly. Some were couples, some were alone (in both groups). And no, I didn't partake in communion. I still believe that as a Quaker I can commune with God all day long, listening to what God has to say, without the symbolism of bread and wine/grapejuice. For me? I'll pass on the symbolism in this instance. I just don't need it.

Oh, and if you look on their website? They have an outdoor ministry! They think you can experience God just by being outside and being surrounded by God's creation. !!!! I just happen to believe that very thing. ;)

Yes, Quest is recommended. Much. I shall return. The 9:15 service was sparse, but there were plenty of people my age, and a crowd was gathering at 10:20 for the 11:00 service. I was impressed all around.

Then I went straight to my church. It was a 10 minute drive away, I had 20 minutes, and I figured I'd help start my journey where the last one had ended.

It was fine. Nothing really struck a chord with me. I ran microphones (was able to fix a high-pitched squeal), ran powerpoint (well, someone had the remote. But I turned it off!), and not much happened. More of the same. And I was tired from my morning/jog/cooking/one service already. I'm not sure I recommend trying to be alert for 3-4 hours of church in a row.

But where to next week?


-PC, visitor (a label which takes much getting used to)

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