Monday, June 29, 2009

Apparently it's a Guy Thing

I wouldn't say that I'm completely against male friendships of all sorts, but I don't tend to seek them out.

I've always been a fan of the ladies. On any given day I'd prefer to hang out with them. I'm not a real threat, and they don't seem to burp quite as much as fellows do.

See, with any collection of males even somewhat approximating my age, the conversation seems to drop to a level that just isn't my style. Unless we're talking comics or movies, I just don't have anything to say to them. I have pretty close to no interest in sports. I don't care about beer. And no, I don't want to discuss which females I'd like to see naked.

So imagine my surprise when the guys I go to church with seem to be rather decent fellows. Last week at a church retreat I ended up chatting with quite a few guys, and not once did the issue of "hotness" come up. I even managed to talk with some guys who had the same background as me. Y'know, no great crisis of faith, just a happy and normal childhood.

In church yesterday I happened to be in a group where everyone was a runner, one man was thinking about his daughter going off to college, and one guy was getting ready to go on a missionary trip to Guatemala to provide medical assistance. Nice men, kind guys, males not obsessed with things that I consider base or menial. A pleasant surprise to be sure.

I've always had men in my church who were good people. But people my own age? Craziness. Who are actually people I'd be okay with my sister going out with? (Y'know, if she weren't already married) Well, that just takes me aback.

File it under happy surprises.

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