Monday, April 6, 2009

Just leave me be


Happily, the chapter I read in Acts today and the chapter that was preached on yesterday were essentially the same topic. Even better, I agree with the message!

I was reading in Acts (9? Methinks?) about Peter being given the dream about the net with all of God's creations and how everyone is created by God. Everyone is "good enough".

In church, they discussed the section in Matthew where Jesus goes to the temple and knocks over the tables because of all the shady deals that are happening. They're charging high interest rates for exchanges/sacrifices, making it hard for people to worship in their way. Jesus is trying to take out the middle man so that they can just go to God. Be "enough", as they are.

Sometimes I'll dress the part. When I first started going to Quest I wore slacks and a button up shirt. Sunday, being Easter, I may very well go back to that because it's a "special occasion". That being said, I'm not really one for bending to other people's expectations.

I'm a scruffy looking kind of guy. The hair ain't fashionable, but it sure is manageable. My goatee isn't perfect. Odds are, if you look hard enough, you'll find a cat hair. I look "fine", but never pristine". I like my bible with duct tape on the edge. I don't care that my front bumper has seen better days. (Stupid snow)

I'm quite glad I can be a leper or a prostitute and still be loved. (Neither of which I aspire to. Still, good to know I have options) Sure I'll help be respectful and respectable when I need to be. All in all though, I'd rather ya just take me at face value.

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