Monday, November 17, 2008

Pew peeps

I attempted this last week, only to have the internet eat my typing. Let's try this again...
There are interesting folks one can sit next to in church. For example, I've encountered a person who sat two seats away from me, and her singing still hurt my ears. I don't know if it was her volume, if she was shrill, of if her singing just didn't jive with me, but the ear closest to her was in pain. Literally.

For some people, it's the way old people smell. As for me, I once had to ask to change seats in Spanish class because the girl next to me had strong perfume that made my eyes water. I tried to downplay it, but she had to go and ask why I was changing seats so the teacher told her. Sigh.
I wouldn't be shocked if there were still churches where black and white folk didn't sit next to each other. And I can guarantee you there are churches that don't want divorced people or gay attendants.

The problem with ths is that God didn't come to save a certain group. God certainly isn't here for the elite. Who are we to decide who's "worthy" of sitting next to us in the pew? Yeah something about them might bother us. Sure there are probably aspects about at least one guy that will seem "off" to you. I know a gentleman who is known for cutting his fingernails in church.

The simple point: Church is for everybody. Off key or not. Smelly-bad or smelly-perfume. Divorced or widowed. And since we're all gloriously messed up, we don't get to say who God deems as worthy or who God is out to speak to.

Embrace everybody, that's the message I've always heard. Just... y'know, don't get offended if I happen to pop in an earplug. ;) (I don't have God's eardrums. Maybe your joyful noise causes me problems!)

Take care (of each other too)

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