Monday, November 24, 2008

Mission for Missions?


First off I have to comment on the fact that I don't have any bible groups this week. I have an entire week between one schedule church activity to the next. !!! And I find it odd how quickly I've acclimated to 3 "services"/gatherings a week. Helps that I have good people in both groups. Ah well, next week will be here too soon...

Once again I've been asked to care about everyone. Specifically people out in the other parts of the world and for anyone who might be in need that I'll ever come across. Oh, and for those that would come in contact with those that I don't know who are going out into the world. : You can see how I'd feel a little overwhelmed and detached at the same time.

I'm all for spreading God's word. If people feel called to go out and do that in other parts of the world? Kudos. I don't. At all. Never had a traveling bug, and God's going to have to invoke some major changes if I'm supposed to go out into the world. As I am right now, my brain would implode. That's one thing I can't really relate to.

The other aspect is that the church leaders come right out and tell us what people aren't legally allowed to be missionaries. What people are breaking the law by being representatives. That I have a problem with. I know God is bigger than any law, but I have a hard time supporting this breaking of laws so intenionally, so that's another strike from me.

Look, I'm all for caring about people. I like doing the whole pay-for-the-person-behind-you-in-the-drive-thru. If I see somebody I feel I'm supposed to help, then I try to help them. But I don't feel obligated to help everyone. And I have a hard time caring about people in other places. If God puts someone on my heart, then of course. There is that whole distance/disconnect.

As for homeless? All the government and homeless agencies say to give them food or give to shelters. There just aren't enough beds in times of cold. If I have a granola bar, I hand it out. If I feel led to do something, I might.

The question is, am I doing enough?

Kudos to church for making me wonder, and every good deed you do, you do for God. So I have no problem being wary about how good I really am.


Anonymous said...

I think a big part of the idea of missions is to help those who don't have the traveling bug to learn to care about people in other places, for, when I have a relationship with you, and I share about others I have a relationship with who just happen to be in another place, you are that much more likely to care about them.

How else are people to hear of the light of the Gospel except through relationship? And if only through relationship, how are they to hear if the law is against missionaries, and therefore no missionaries are sent? Was not Paul at times attacked because the law was interpreted as stating that he had no right to speak against other gods and for atheism? Are not some laws immoral at their base, and therefore it is our obligation to refuse to follow them? Are not those laws denying freedom of religion one of the foremost of those immoral laws?

Cosand said...

I don't think missionaries need to visit people in order to make them Christian. But I think it is a whole lot easier that way.

I still believe that God can reveal God's power through a sunset/burning bush/nature. Invoke a sense of higher being through everyday surroundings. So yes, I think people coming a preaching is the most logical way, but I would never assume that it is the only way.

I think there are plenty of unjust laws. I think that there will always be people in leadership with ulterior motives. I just have a hard time deciding when to cross that line. I like to think that there's always another way... but I also like to think that the world is black and white.

Perhaps I'm naive. But I still think we have laws put in authority over us, and therefore we should think seriously about breaking those laws. If nothing else, I wouldn't say that we get free license to break laws "just because" we're Christian. (Which I freely admit is the extreme version that I doubt many would believe.)

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone can make another person Christian. I think only Jesus can do that. And as such, what is key for them coming to the Light is being in relationship. Yes, someone can follow Jesus from a radio broadcast or a Sunday Worship Hour on TV- but that is rare. God can do anything. He can do that. But he chooses to most often work through relationship. Which is why we still need feet on the ground in these countries, if we are going to have more people join the Light.

Cosand said...

I can agree with all that.

I'm just cautious as to what steps (rules broken?) we take to establish those personal contacts.

I'm all for person-to-person God introductions. I just think God put authorities and laws above people for a reason. So I tread softly when dancing around those laws.

But all of this is colored by the fact that I've never felt called to be a missionary in other countries. I feel like I'm supposed to stay and till the home farm, not foreign soil.

Anonymous said...

Oh, see, your home farm is foreign soil to me! ;-)

Cosand said...

Fair enough. We can be called to do things differently. ;)