Thursday, September 11, 2008

That e-mail...

I've been putting off sending it, (lazy? forgetful?) but I finally dashed it off and clicked "send".

I like to think that it is respectful, just informational enough; and of course, gets my sense of humor and unique verbage across. (I didnt' feel this was the appropriate time to copy Mamet)


As of last Sunday I've visited Quest Church a total of 3 times. My first and most recent times (during the 9:15), you were the pastor. You're a woman I find to be blessed with an approachable sense of humor, and a preaching style that I greatly appreciate. So I'm posing my questions to you! (Congrats, chosen one!)

Short version? I'm a lifelong Quaker (runs in the family) who is discouraged by the fact that there are essentially no young folks in my congregation. I'm 28, struggling to find anyone to talk to 21-35. We're just not that kind of church right now. However, I don't follow the sacraments. I tend to believe that if they work for you, terrific. Go about, baptize, take communion, get circumsized. If that's how you feel closer to God, then by all means, go for it. But for me personally, I don't need it. I don't take communion because Jesus and I have a different sort of communion. Quakers tend to have their 10 or so moments of quiet time, and in those minutes, we try to open up to God and see what God has for us. I consider it to achieve the same goal.

So my main question would be, is that a problem for you folks? (Church, congregation, elders?) I have no problem sitting in the chairs while you folks go about it, but if you feel that what I do (or, in this case, don't) is contrary or disruptive form how you folks worship, then I certainly don't want to be an impediment to your gathering. I believe that people can worship how they will, so I don't want to get in the way with that.

That being said, if you folks are okay with my obstaining from the sacraments, then I see no reason why I wouldn't continue to attend. Your congregation has been quite friendly, I like your sermons, and as soon as I walked in the building, I just felt comfortable. (Your website is well designed and welcoming too!) What can I say, you folks draw me in just by living out who you are.

Any time on this is appreciated, and regardless of your answer, I appreciate what you folks are doing. Blessings and kudos.

-PC, oatmeal eater, God lover, and cat-scratcher

The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men.- It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter.- It is all pure. -John Locke"

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