Friday, September 26, 2008

The Changes That Fall Brings

Yes, I know. It's been a while. (I'm actually mildly shocked that my Dad has yet to e-mail/message/Facebook me about my lack of information) What can I say, my search has settled and I've been using my free time at work to watch tv shows that I fell asleep too early to watch. Ya gotta love streaming videos (with less commercials!).

My main area of uncertainity used to be how many more churches I was going to cruise through. For the time being? The answer is zilch. Look, because the twisty road from A to B, it takes me about 40 minutes to get to Quest. If I choose to go to NSFC after that, then we're adding on another two hours. I think 4 hours of God time is a reasonable chunk out of one's morning. And that comes with certainty. I want to keep going to Quest, have time to pop in at NSFC... and adding a 3rd church? A fill in the blank visit church here and there? Uh, no. Don't have the energy. Besides, I've got my food in the door, people are friendly enough, why should I have to extend the effort to yet another church?

The real reason? I'm lazy. The other real reason? As I've argued before, if you start chatting with a cute girl and she wants to go out with you, thinks you're worth her time; ya don't go and start chatting up some other girl that same night! I'm not greedy. I've got two churches that work for me. That's fine. I might eek out here and there to explore other possibilities, but I was never much for the "because it's there!" sense of exploration. Not my thing. I'm content, I like content, content is better than where I was 2-3 months ago.

In addition, I have a new pastor to get used to. I'll admit to a small amount of concern when I started attending. First off, there's the whole introducing myself to a group of people who are complete strangers to me. But the pastor wasn't even in attendance! The main poo-bah was on sabbatical! How'm I supposed to get a feel for folks if their guy ain't around to chat with? Well, problem solved. He returned last Sunday.

Now, oddly enough, his name popped up on my Facebook on Saturday. Some of my favorite people (and solid Christians in their own right) are already friends with him. I had seen his name pop up before, but didn't realize he was pastor of -that- church. That was comforting when I put two and two together. Then I heard him speak on Sunday. He's quite relatable for me. Recovering extreme-introvert. Nerdy. Has to take breaks from e-mail/technology. And is on Facebook. (As evidenced by the fact that he friended me about two hours after I first e-mailed him. But one wonders about the sincerity of some with over fourteen hundred friends. Sheesh! Still, nice to have a well-liked pastor) ;)

Starting this next week? C-Groups. Yes, in their desire to fit in with Seattle culture around them, they took a perfectly good word, community, and shortened it to make it cooler. (To be fair, I knew going to their church that they run the Q-Cafe... so it isn't like I went into this unknowingly) They acknowledge that it is hard to get to know people, so they have groups that meet during the week at people's homes. I signed up for two. One in Queen Anne, and one for newbies. We'll see how it all goes. (Already it's easier and cheaper than -shudder- Equally Yoked. There's a way -not- to meet people. Yikes. Topic for another time...)

Clearly I'm alive. Enjoying church(es). Trying new things. Just in my own, timid, baby-step kinda way. ;) (Bring a camera to my IMAX movies, then you'll see me non-timid)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

...and a response

Apparently I'm in the clear. ;)

"Thank you for your questions, and for your honest and forthright manner. For us, it is not a requirement for those who attend Quest to take communion. It sounds like you have an understanding of what communion is all about, and that you choose to celebrate it in a manner authentic to your faith roots does not pose a problem for us. Obviously, we have differing points of view on some of these matters, but we can certainly still enjoy worship and fellowship together. We serve the same God, after all. :)"

So now the question becomes, do I really still want to church search? I mean, if you find a cute girl who agrees to go out with ya, do you spend the rest of your night looking for another one that you might like better? If you find a great beer at the pub, do you keep ordering different stuff, or do you stick with what ya like? (Yes. I just mentioned alcohol in a church-y blog. I'm reaching out to the common man in their vernacular! Deal with it.)

Yeah, there are two other churches on my "list". But how much do I really care about finding a new apartment to live in when the place I just checked out is welcoming in a new tenant with open arms?

But still... if I don't church surf now... then when?

"Too many questions... there's just too many questions!" -Riddler, Batman Forever

Thursday, September 11, 2008

That e-mail...

I've been putting off sending it, (lazy? forgetful?) but I finally dashed it off and clicked "send".

I like to think that it is respectful, just informational enough; and of course, gets my sense of humor and unique verbage across. (I didnt' feel this was the appropriate time to copy Mamet)


As of last Sunday I've visited Quest Church a total of 3 times. My first and most recent times (during the 9:15), you were the pastor. You're a woman I find to be blessed with an approachable sense of humor, and a preaching style that I greatly appreciate. So I'm posing my questions to you! (Congrats, chosen one!)

Short version? I'm a lifelong Quaker (runs in the family) who is discouraged by the fact that there are essentially no young folks in my congregation. I'm 28, struggling to find anyone to talk to 21-35. We're just not that kind of church right now. However, I don't follow the sacraments. I tend to believe that if they work for you, terrific. Go about, baptize, take communion, get circumsized. If that's how you feel closer to God, then by all means, go for it. But for me personally, I don't need it. I don't take communion because Jesus and I have a different sort of communion. Quakers tend to have their 10 or so moments of quiet time, and in those minutes, we try to open up to God and see what God has for us. I consider it to achieve the same goal.

So my main question would be, is that a problem for you folks? (Church, congregation, elders?) I have no problem sitting in the chairs while you folks go about it, but if you feel that what I do (or, in this case, don't) is contrary or disruptive form how you folks worship, then I certainly don't want to be an impediment to your gathering. I believe that people can worship how they will, so I don't want to get in the way with that.

That being said, if you folks are okay with my obstaining from the sacraments, then I see no reason why I wouldn't continue to attend. Your congregation has been quite friendly, I like your sermons, and as soon as I walked in the building, I just felt comfortable. (Your website is well designed and welcoming too!) What can I say, you folks draw me in just by living out who you are.

Any time on this is appreciated, and regardless of your answer, I appreciate what you folks are doing. Blessings and kudos.

-PC, oatmeal eater, God lover, and cat-scratcher

The Bible is one of the greatest blessings bestowed by God on the children of men.- It has God for its author; salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture for its matter.- It is all pure. -John Locke"

Home again. And visiting that second home?

Labor Day weekend? Over. Summertime? Basically kaput. (This is the Seattle neighborhood. After the 2nd of September, you just expect some rain and see what happens. Sun is a bonus.) But the church hunt goes on! Well... I'm not sure "hunt" is the word I'd use this week.

I want to keep trying Quest. It's the first church I "visited", the first church whose website clicked with me (pun intended), and the fact that they are willing to focus on homeless and social justice? When the rest of world wants to ignore "bums" and go to war... well, let's just say we agree on many topics.

Plus, my "first" speaker was back. I like this Leah person. She'll admit that she's not perfect, while in the same speech, harass us for not sitting in the first two rows. Blessed with intelligence and a verbage that works for me. Music wasn't as great as a few weeks ago, but it still worked for me. The sermon was telling us how we shouldn't be forming little whispering groups, discussing "what do you think about what this person did?" No, if we have a problem, we should actually go and -talk- to people about what we see. Communication! Growing a spine! Two things I'm quite fond of. ;) Misunderstandings bug me. Now I just have to get off my butt and find out how much they care about me "shunning" communion. ;) Gotta practice what was preached, I suppose...

And since I went to the 9:15 meeting, that meant I had plenty of time to make the 11 at North Seattle Friends. Y'know, check in on the home front, catch those who hadn't been at camp the previous weekend, etc. Besides, I still like my church, darnit! I was headed up to my usual spot in the soundbooth (Look, I can sit up still and prooper in one service. But if I'm gong to two services, there's gonna be some slouching in that second one. I'm only so mighty.), Lorraine caught me and gave that non-verbal gesture/look that she had a litlte speech/explanation for me. I got comfy. Short version? She'd forgotten to ask for people to take offering, which I used to do, so while the last-minute selectees were coming forward, she informed those that didn't already know that I was on a search for the love of my life. Not how I'd like it all to go, but it is what it is and that's how it is. I'm flexible.

Regardless, she expressed a desire to have me come in front of the church and tell people what was going on so I didn't pull a vanshing Philip act. (Personally? I like vanishing Philip. Anyone who has visited with me will tell ya that I exit without saying anything. I don't see a need make a big entrance or exit. I draw enough attention already, I don't need more everytime I go from A to B. What you call "rude", I call... um... humble? Maybe it's just my introvert side.) I don't get asked to speak about myself in front of church, and I honestly have no fear of crowds, so I told her whatever she wanted to do was fine.

Since it is my church, and this is my blog, I shall summarize the speech in the under used, valley-girl dialect.

L- "So, I like, found Philip... who was out... like, I dunno... shopping maybe? Getting some totally gnarly threads?"

Me- "Totally. Did you see the shine on these boots? Aren't they like, totally awesome?!"

L- "To-tal-ly. Anyways, so there's been like, I don't know... a month? And like, before then, Philip was all like, 'Dudette. Lorraine. I'm like, totally bumming. There're like, I mean, nobody cool to hang with! I'm like, crushing for a posse to go hittin' it with, and like, there're like, no peeps anywhere! I'm so totally bumming! Like, foreves, y'knnow?"

Me- "That is -so- not how I phrased it"

L- "Whatevah! So like, Phil has been out on his own? Y'know, like, searching and looking and... y'know, like, not being here! And he's like, not hating on us, c'mon... I know that's so totally what you guys were thinking. But he's totallly awesome. And he wants others who are totally awesome too! Then he might like, bring those killer dudes back to us killer dudes, and we could be like... so -totally- awesome killer dudes!"

Me- "To-tal-ly. Fer sure."

Ahem. The only thing that really set my ears on edge (and caused a cringe, I'll admit) was that she stated that I was searching for my beloved. :

A: Never in my life have I uttered the phrase, "I am out to find my beloved." Ever. Beloved? Really? You don't think I could come up with a better word than that? Fellow flannel fan. Co-comics cohort. The shoelaces to my sneakers. The remote to my tv. Someone to keep me in check. But beloved? Come now.

B: I sort of put up my shields because it's about more than being single or attached. Would I
like to be single? Well, that depends. Am I going to call off this church quest just because I find there are no females I find attractive? Nope. Friends too! Don't discount the value of having females sure, but friends are still important! I have very few Christian friends. Especially in this area. I could use more! Like... y'know... more than 3. I'm just sayin'.

Let's just say that I was mildly taken aback that it was apparently me on some colonial wife-search. But again, I'm sure my paranoia was activated, what with "defending my actions" in front of the church. ;) Besides, all I had to do was tell them I was doing fine, say maybe three sentences, and go back to my booth to hide.

Oh, and I avoided the crowd of people around me. Ick. Look, I'm a hugger. I'm all for hugging. But a crowd up people all smothering you? That massive crowd that loses pretty much all intimacy? yeah, that's not me. You want to talk to me? Talk to me. The end. You want to pray for me? Go for it. But a big blob of people doesn't comfort me. It makes me feel like I'm one joker away from a bad game of pigpile. And I'd be the pig. Happily Lorraine asked about that beforehand, and I told her I don't do that sort of group activity, given the option. :)

Next week? I dunno. I want to go back to Quest, but I drove by a Greenlake church that seemed to have my demographic going into it, and I keep telling myself I'll go to Bothell Foursquare, even though it seems like the most impersonal of all churches on my mental list. No wonder I keep putting it off... ;)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Goin' back home... to Anacortes

Nuthin' like goin' back to the ol' stompin' grounds (hence all the apostrophes).

Yes, I had always been planning to take a break from my church search and visit Quaker Cove. See, on of the upsides to attending North Seattle Friends Church is that we have our retreat out in Anacortes.

For supposedly being simplicity-loving Quakers, it can be a little fancy. Look at that! Two showers in one place? Flushing toilets?

And this is just the oldest changes. Inside our chapel you'll find what was once a fireplace is now a heating system, complete with spinning fans and vents! And there's a microwave and coffee maker in the corner! Myself, I'm still a little put out by the television I just saw there yesterday... Where's the escape from it all? Where's the nature? It's like people wanna be comfy. Well I want no part of it! ;)

However, the people and the place make up for all the "fanciness". People I've known all my life show up once a year and check in with me. Stories are swapped, spouses are met, jobs are checked in on. It's good times.

Oh, and for the message? A Quaker guy preached to us aobut the Quakerly way we could interact with the world. While talking about the first generation of Quakers! (Listen to God, know that there are truths which don't change [justice, love, truth], and apply those as best as you can through the current culture. But always remember that the relationship between you and God is what gave you waht insight you might have. That relationship is what matters most.) Needless to say, there was much less conflict of ideas than I've had in the past few weeks.

Besides, where else could we have an untalented talent show, and see things like this?

Good times. Well worth the break from "searching" through other places.