Friday, December 26, 2008

Church goes kaput, Worship does not.


It was only last week that I was bragging about what a steadfast churchgoer I was. How I would weather (heh) the storm and get my kiester to church. How I was a church attending machine!

And then this weekend happened.

Sigh. I'm a stubborn twerp, but I ain't completely stupid. And as I found out on Monday, the Sunday service was nixed anyways. Hence their online note:

Sermons via online!

Now, myself? Not a fan. One of the reasons I didn't really fit into Mars Hill was because they're "polished". Their services are created with a certain televised aesthetic in mind, and that's just now how I like things. I prefer intimate/ close up. I think that's the reason this little video sermon thing doesn't repulse me quite as much. My experience with this little video that the Quest folks put up is that it maintains a one on one feel. (Probably brought on largely by the fact it was shot in his home office, the lighting is funky, and he didn't edit out his reaching for the camera buttons) ;)

I can see the appeal of online/broadcast sermons. I do. If you just can't make it out of the house (newborns, weather, elderly), it certainly is better than nothing. Sure you sacrifice the presence of a person who's actually looking at you the same time you're looking at them, but there should still be a God-sent message, right?

Eh. I think someone would have to really sell it to me to get me to do it every week. I want the face to face. I'm quite content to stare someone down and tell them I think they're wrong. I tend not to, let us have our little God disagreements, but a pastor can tell if an entire audience is shifting in their seats. There are visual cues to keep the speaker in check and help them realize if the sermon is "clicking" or not.

And wouldn't ya know it, their Christmas Eve sermon, where they always get a packed house, was cancelled too! But no online video/guide, so maybe they figured one a week as enough. ;)

So, after having 3 church shindigs killed off by snow in the last ten days, I'm realizing a few things. A: I like the face to face. I don't really relish the drive, but I like the interaction. It's the only Christian to Christian time I can count on.

B: Sometimes you just can't make it. It is not enjoyable, and one can at least try... but sometimes you're just gonna stay put. The end. (Hospital stays come to mind.)

C: The internet is a good way to announce to the masses that you're closed. Perhaps even offer up a substitute to those folks. But it doesn't cover everyone. (I have no internet at home, and that's the way I like it!) They'll figure it out for themselves eventually.

Or so one hopes. :D

-PC, a media major, but a face-to-face Quaker first

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